Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dare to step out.

Norm and I thoroughly enjoyed Bryce Canyon. We walked around the rim, looking down into the canyon and were amazed that every 20 steps or so, the view changed completely. The sunlight reflected off each of the hoodoos sometimes making them glow with a fairy like quality and other times placed them in shadows adding a sense of mystery. I stood in awe of God's creation, I had never seen anything like it.

Norm wanted to walk down into the canyon, but I kept thinking of the walk out. Going down would be easy, it was the coming back out that could cause problems. But I encouraged Norm to go ahead and head down, I'd just walk around the rim and meet him after an hour or so.

As I stood at Sunset Point, so called because it was supposed to be the best place for a picture at sunset, I listened to a group of ladies talking about their canyon adventures. They had gone down into the Grand Canyon, much deeper than Bryce. They discussed the challenge and then one of the ladies made this comment, "I'm really afraid of heights. But I don't let my fear keep me from making trips like this. I would miss out on some great experiences if I gave in."

Later that day when Norm suggested we take the hike down into the canyon and see the Queen's Garden, I agreed. The views were amazing! We walked through arches, saw plants of all kinds and enjoyed a maze of trails through the hoodoos. A hoodoo is the towering rock that is left when the rock around it dissolves away.

Going up took a lot longer than going down, but it was worth it. I am grateful to the lady who unknowingly encouraged me to go into the canyon, I would have missed so much staying on the rim and not going deeper.

I'm trying to take more risks in my life. I don't want to miss out on anything that God has planned for me.

However, as it is written: "no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9

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