Monday, February 1, 2010

Another blip in life

After my last blog, I was determined to get the house in order, exercise regularly and write each day...and then another blip of life. My son called with a problem, an infection seemed to have spread throughout his body. So I drove to Buffalo and took him to the doctor. Fortunately, it was just a rash.

The trip out was quite eventful. Just past Utica I hit a snowstorm, it started with just flurries, no problem, then all of a sudden I could not see through the blowing snowflakes surrounded by a cloud of snow. I slowed to 25 miles per hour like everyone else. Fortunately before me there was a truck, I could watch its lights and follow it, knowing where the lane was.

I watched the lights and thought about following Christ. There are lots of times that I don't understand what is going on, I can't see the way before me clearly and the way seems like a slippery slope. All I can do is keep my eyes on the light, Christ, the light and continue to move forward, trusting the light to lead me in the right way.

As I traveled with my eyes on the lights in front of me, keeping the car on the road and in the right lane, I didn't have the time to worry about Robert. The lights reminded me to trust in the Light, that he would take care of me and my son.

Well I got Robert all settled, okay, on with my plans then my husband came home with a pulled calf muscle...another blip in my plans.

But I've come to realize the blips are okay. My family is far more important than following my plans. And I can continue to move forward embracing the blips in life as a reminder that I am following the plan God has for my life.

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