Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year

After a wonderful time with all our kids, we are back to just Norm and I, empty nesters until May...maybe longer if Robert gets an internship. I started a study in the book of Titus. I am reminded of the responsibility to be a good steward of what I have and I have been given a lot. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful family, three children well on their way to successful independence, a nice house and financial freedom.

The biggest challenge for me is time, spending my time wisely in ways that make me feel satisfied at the end of the day. I am a great planner, I can put it down on paper but follow-through is not always there. I can always find a TV show to watch, the waster of my time. So a primary goal for me this year, turn off the TV.

With less TV, more blogs as I get out and really experience life instead of vicarious living through the set.

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